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See what the LORD has done...through YOU...in Baltimore!



First, let me salute you in Jesus’ Name and tell you that you’re AWESOME! Together we accomplished major tasks that not only blessed the residents of Baltimore City (Sandtown-Winchester community), but gave them hope for a more exciting tomorrow.

Many people look at Shari and I as the ones giving our time and resources to all of our endeavors to the cause of betterment for the many that we serve in Baltimore City, but it’s really YOU…our ministry partners. You have shown our residents love, compassion and mercy.


I want to share with you the response of one our parents after our major Toy Giveaway from the Toy Workshop! Mia was a parent volunteer. She arrived moments before we arrived and worked hard to help unload our truck and, under the supervision of our team, began to place the toys on display. We then made her one of our “Toy Escorts,” bringing in the many children that would come into the Toy Workshop to select what they wanted for CHRISTmas.

During the event, I noticed that her eyes were welling up and tears began to flow. I asked her if she was ok…her response overtook me and I almost began to weep. She said that no one has ever loved on the children of Sandtown-Winchester in that manner.

So many children aren’t able to have Christmas because this area has been forgotten. I had to go to the bathroom and weep because I can’t imagine anyone not having a burden for children.


Click here for a Photo Gallery of Christmas Toy Mania!

We have been so SUPER blessed to have adopted Sandtown-Winchester Achievement Academy with a total of over 430 young people from K to 8th grades.

We have a mission to present the Gospel of Jesus to them in addition to our curriculum of Peacemakers,” teaching them to approach conflict with a peaceful and Godly resolve.

We – you and us together as partners – literally have a hand in the betterment of the next generation. HOW EXCITING IS THAT?!?

Expansion & Prayer Needs

This upcoming year, 2023, holds much promise for expansion and explosion of the Lord’s ministry in Baltimore! We are expecting a great harvest of fruit for His glory.

Please continue to pray, as we are looking for a minivan or pickup to use as a ministry vehicle. The current vehicle has served us well transporting food, clothing, gifts, and passengers, but has almost come to its last mile.

Also, please be in touch if you know anyone skilled in the following areas: marketing, teaching, technology, sales, accounting, or any related area. We are searching for a team of people who the Lord will use to bring skills, innovation, and passion to the underserved in Baltimore.

Once again, thank you! We are deeply honored that you would partner with us together in ministry for the Kingdom.

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ImageMakers Ministries provides services to those in need, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. 

© 2024 by ImageMakers Ministries  |  Photos by LilliJo and ImageMakers Ministries

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